Less Waste plans your meals and grocery lists for you.

Select from our recipes or import your own

Plan your meals for however long
(pssst, let Less Waste do the work!)

Magically generate your grocery lists  🪄

Get your first month of Less Waste Plus, free.

We'll only contact you when we launch. Unsubscribe at any time

Do you feel like cooking's trying to solve a puzzle?


On average, Less Waste can help you save more than 1,450$ per year and 2-3 hours per week! See why

Less Waste starts with

Clear & Concise Recipes

Select from the app's recipes or use your own, whether you've imported them from various websites or you let your inner-chef shine and created them yourself. These are the starting point for your meal plans.

Product screenshot
Product screenshot

Time to choose

Generate or create plans

Whether you're planning for a week or a month, Less Waste helps you generate a meal plan. You can also create your own plan from scratch if you're feeling creative.

Incomes the magic

Ta-da, your grocery list  🪄

Less Waste consolidates all the ingredients in your plan's recipes and creates a sleek, easy-to-follow grocery list, ignoring all the ingredients you have enough of at home.

Product screenshot

Groceries already done?

No problem. We got you covered too!

Plan screenshot

Fill your in-app fridge and pantry to what you already have and get a recipes or plans tailored to your specific ingredients.

Not sure what to eat tonight?

The all-in-one recipe, meal planning and groceries app.

Trusted by people whose weeknights got a lot simpler!

Recipes to play with already
Meal plans
Keep track of your fridge and pantry
Your grocery list

Control your most unreliable expense!

Get your first month of Less Waste Plus, free.

We'll only contact you when we launch. Unsubscribe at any time

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From the blog

Some readings we think you might find interesting